
The League


The League is the supervisory sponsor for more than 400 cadet corps across Canada. With the aid of each branch office, the League ensures financial, accommodations and transportation support for programs and services not provided by the Department of National Defence to more than 15,000 Army cadets.

Formed in 1971

Course cadets attend the Freedom of Banff Parade on 21 July 2019 at RMCTC.
Photo: Lt Stefan Strangman, UPAR (photo credit), © 2019 DND-MDN Canada Formed in 1971

To encourage army cadets to become better Canadians through citizenship and leadership training.



The Army Cadet League of Canada, a civilian nonprofit organization, commits to support the Army Cadets by working in partnership with local communities and the Canadian Forces in the development of policies and methods for achieving the aims and objectives of the Canadian Cadet Movement in general, and the Royal Canadian Army Cadets in particular.


Encourage army cadets to become better Canadians through citizenship and leadership training.

The Army Cadet League of Canada (League) was officially formed in 1971 to work with the Department of National Defence (DND) in support of army cadets and has a branch office in each of the 10 provinces and the Northern region.

The League is the supervisory sponsor for 400 cadet corps across Canada. With the aid of each branch office, the League ensures financial, accommodations and transportation support for programs and services not provided by the Department of National Defence to more than 15,000 army cadets.

As a registered charitable organization, the League is supported by donations and a grant from DND. With an operating budget of $250,000.00, the League employs four full-time staff at the national office. In 2000, League volunteers donated 378,000 hours of service (approximately 3,000 volunteers who work an average of three hours per week for 42 weeks) to the organization.


Encourage and promote interest in and support for the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
Facilitate and recommend the formation of army cadet corps.
Assist in the recruitment of cadet instructors and participate in the recruitment of cadets.
Provide and supervise local sponsors.
Ensure that the Army Cadet Program is adventure-oriented, challenging, consistent with our aims and relevant to present society.
Collect, receive, hold and invest funds and property from contributions, gifts, grants, subscriptions or legacies and use such funds, subject to the donor’s direction, for the benefit of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
Protect the overall interests of the Army Cadet League of Canada.
Coordinate and influence effective support of Army Cadet Corps at all levels.

2022 Audited Financial Statements

ACLC 2022 Annual Report FINAL

ACLC 2023 Annual Report