We wish to congratulate Mr. Gilles Déry, National VP-Quebec, who was at Rideau Hall on November 12th to receive the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers.
Mr. Dery has been involved with e Army Cadet Program in his region of Saguenay, QC and the Army Cadet League of Canada for 25 years. During this time, he has held executive positions at the local, provincial and national levels including serving as National President for four consecutive mandates (8yrs).
You can view the video of the ceremony here: https://www.gg.ca/en/direct. (Mr. Déry’s presentation is the 1:02 mark)
If you know of an ACLC volunteer in your area that is deserving of this recognition, refer to our Policy 13.20, for more details on the streamlined nomination process. You will find the policy here: https://www.armycadetleague.ca/awards-grants-and-bursaries/